When the election last May saw us lose power, I knew I had to go back to the beginning and start rebuilding the party from below. People needed to believe in the Party and to believe they needed to feel they belonged. I held the first conference 6 weeks after the May election. It was a great success and I have held two since, both even more successful that the first. One on housing and another on health. In each case the debates have helped form the Edinburgh Labour response to Government consultations. (Firm foundations and Health board elections).
There is a long way to go but I intend to turn opposition into an opportunity and these conferences are the first steps in that journey.
Have a bit of Humility and stop Boasting!. A lot of party members have had very successfull initiatives before you and are still doing it but do not shout from the roof tops.
Why is it that we are so struck with tall poppy syndrome?
Sure there have been lots of initiatives before mine and there will be lots after them, but this one is working and I want people to be confident that the what we do in the Labour Party works, so I will shout about it.
Why don't you tell me who you are and then work with me so that the Labour Party can back into power instead of hiding behind anonymity and moaning when the Party is making a wee bit of progress. Or is complaining your wee comfort zone, easier than facing the hard work that is ahead of us?
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