Another City of Edinburgh Full Council meeting today, the sovereign body of the Council. Another 7 hours of my life I won't get back but that I can hardly argue were used constructively!
I asked the LibDem leader when we would finally get her vision for Edinburgh. I was treated to a rant about how hard things had been, that they had delivered trams (not yet, but our plan), a Skateboard Park, (again not yet, and she voted against such a thing when in opposition), capital city status, (not in the LibDem manifesto, but in both ours and the Scottish Labour Manifesto), and to be honest, not much else.
It was quite a rant but I still await an answer to my question. When will we know what the SNP/Libdem administration vision for Edinburgh is...
We also discussed the draft single outcome agreement with the Scottish Government, the document that will determine whether or not we get money for next years Council tax Freeze.
We, (the Labour group), argued that this whole process demeans local government, undermines our ability to set our own agenda and gives us an unfunded wish-list that we will get the blame for not delivering.
Not one member of the SNP group spoke in the debate and only 3 members of the Lib Dems.. is that because they don't understand the ramifications of the decisions they are taking, or they do but are too scared to say. either way, its bad news for Edinburgh.
Speeding on the A20: Case Dismissed!
1 day ago
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