So Tony Blair finally follows his heart and soul and joins to the Roman Catholic Church.
Each to their own. I have a great deal of respect for Roman Catholicism but a church that excludes women from it hierarchy and even from the beds it its priesthood has a long way to go to becoming something I would want to join.
People often ask if politics and religion should be mix. For me they are by necessity intertwined. As Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, "when people say politics and religion do not mix, I ask them what bible they are reading"
The key is what role it plays in your politics. For me its not that God tells me what to do but that everything I do must be tested against the call of God to love not just my neighbour, or even the stranger, but my enemy. And to discern how to do that, to find the courage to do that, I need times of silence, prayer and stillness, times with God.
Religion and Politics do mix, just as atheism and politics mix. Its about knowing what you believe and then, in our frail and often failing human ways, living out that belief whatever the cost.
Speeding on the A20: Case Dismissed!
1 week ago
Wow, I must comment on this post. As a Christian who was raised (roman) Catholic and followed the faith for 29 yrs. I totally agree with you that allowing priests not to marry has caused the Church MANY problems. And at least in this county they are paying for it BIG time. With all the lawsuits being filed against them for priests that abused young children, mostly boys, the Catholic church is reaping what it has sowed!
Yes, politics and religion does mix!
Its nice to get a comment of agreement!
As a Catholic I disagree with your comments re the Married Priests and Catholic Dogma .
Yes Politics and Religion do mix , but in your case I think have to chose either the Ministry or being a Labour Councillor .
I find it very difficult to know what hat you are wearing when reading your Blog.
Hi anonymous, thanks for your post. Its interesting that you say on the one hand that you think politics and religion do mix and on the other that I need to choose between being a minister and a Labour Councillor. I disagree. They either mis or they don't. I see myself as a minister who happens to be a politician.
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