Two are to adult audiences, one in Portobello for the Burns club there and one in Glasgow for the Scout Associations annual fundraiser. They will be difficult enough but the one on Saturday night is the hardest one of all. Its for a group of 8-12 year olds who are part of a sports club my boy attends. Seemed like a good idea at the time but now I am panicking. Anyone got any ideas for an "immortal memory for 8-12 year olds.....
I went to a Burns Supper at my childrens' school this week and watched proudly as my 11 year old son delivered the toast to the lassies. Three of his classmates then delivered their version of the immortal memory which started with Burns before he was famous, Burns whilst he was famous and finally Burns after he died.
The first boy described Burns slogging away on his father's farm, working away from home, losing job, moving back home etc - all with very funny parallels to the modern equivalent of a wannabe rockstar/pop idol contestant. The second boy then described Burns as the equivalent of Beckham, incredible fame whilst he was alive but held on a much looser leash than Beckham is, hence the claims of all the illegitimate children (got lots of laughs). Finally, the third boy finished with a question - who would Bruns be in this modern age? He did a very funny Gangsta rap version of Tom O'Shanter.
It was all about appealing to the audience and all the kids and the parents were in stitches. Don't know if that helps? Good luck!
Thanks PJ. I went for audience interaction with a quiz and it seemed to go down well but it sounds like the one at your kids school was much better- lesson- let the weans do the talking, its usually much better!
It's that time again - I'm giving an immortal memory speech - was interested in your idea of a quiz - how did this work?
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