I think Hazel Blears is right! Now there's a sentence I didn't expect to write too often! But on the BNP she is spot on. The drift of folk to the BNP who at one time were Labour supporters is as much an indictment on my Party as it is a concern at the rise of racism. If some voters feel that we no longer speak for them and they choose to go elsewhere politically is part of the political process. But when they feel we no longer speak for them and there is no-one else doing so except a bunch of far right racist nutters, then we have failed them as to support the BNP in that case is an act of political desperation.
The Labour Party cannot afford to dismiss this as a tiny trend that is a political side show, We have the means to stop it. We need to listen hard (getting past the racist rhetoric or the fears of immigration spun by the BNP to pull them in) to those who have made that move make sure we do what it takes both to bring them back to the fold and take them away from racist solutions that damage not just the reputation but the soul of our nation.
Speeding on the A20: Case Dismissed!
2 days ago
The BNP have with skill repositioned themselves as almost a sensible practical decent political party.
We simply must not adopt the line of surpressing their voice.
I say let them champion their opinions in a more open forum and let their true position of racism be revealed.
Only when we hear what they really are will they be defeated.
Kenny, this is a tough one. I am not convinced that the "free speech" argument holds here. The BNP do not believe in free speech for those whose racial origins are not theirs and so giving them a voice would be to agree that freedom of speech is a great moral good than challenging an injustice at the hearty of one group very humanness. So I get your view but I think we cannot given them any credibility, They have not earned the right to such a moral gift.
thanks for the post
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