In moments of crisis we have a choice. We can say "its a disaster" and look for some-one to blame, or we can say, "its a huge challenge and what are we, together, going to do to lead the way to a solution". This weeks crisis in the global markets that have led to the demise of Lehman brothers investment back and the merger of HBOS and Lloyds TSB is such a crisis. The solution begins with the attitude we take to the problem.
Today's specially extended FMQs was a good start to Scotland's response to the global banking crisis. The calls for changes to what can or can't be sold on the stock market were predictable but had a ring of truth. The call for a banking summit is a good basis for a plan. The next step is making that plan real and doing all the others things that needs to happen to make sure we act together with a purpose not separately just for our own survival. It is now that we shall see who really are the leaders we need when it really matters...and not just in the Parliament but at City level as well. Edinburgh, as Scotland's Capital must lead from the front and I await in some trepidation for something resembling a plan of action from that hallowed chamber...
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