I was involved yesterday in the writing of a press release to tell the world that
the church is rubbish... well, at least that, in Glasgow, a church is about to build a new building out of old materials. In an attempt to be very antithesis of the throwaway society,
Colston Milton Parish church in Glasgow has just been awarded £42,000 from the
Scottish Government's climate challenge fund to see if it can build a new home for the congregation out of the waste around them.
It is a brilliant project which will do much more than simply give the congregation and the community a new resource. It will embed into the very fabric of the community the idea that one persons waste is another persons valuable commodity. It is an idea that is already taking shape
in the minds of local people. Apparently even the local street drinkers have been turning up with
their empty beer cans at the manse to make their "offering to the Lord!"
Hi Ewan,
Glad to see the church got the funding: any chance of pointing out that the fund only exists because the Greens proposed it in some constructive negotiations with the SNP?
All the best,
the fund is a good thing and if that's how it came about then well done to all involved.. is this something resembling consensus politics!?
thanks for your comment
Hi Ewan,
Yes indeed it is, thank goodness for minority government: some are born consensual, some achieve consensus, but some, like Salmond, have consensus thrust upon them. I feel a blog post coming on..
Do encourage anyone else you have contacts with to apply to the fund: it's a great opportunity for communities with ideas on how to cut their carbon and boost employment.
Ironically, when a motion praising the fund came up at the Council, I understand the SNP & the Liberals voted it down. Consensus has its limits, apparently.
thats a fairly accurate description of the facts! You may be please to know that, in my new role in the church, I have responsibility for staff working on eco congregations and we will be using that network to make sure the fund is well publicised
As for consensus politics on the council, Dunfermline Athletic will win the SPL before that happens...
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