A wee advert for an event that I think will be very interesting. The speaker, Rev Joe
Naika, a South African Presbyterian, has been ministering in
Leith for around 3 years and is due to head back to South Africa in a few months. He says that it's been an interesting experience to come from a country that is around 80% Christian because of at least in part, the work of Scots missionaries, to Scotland because of a shortage of ministers in Scotland...
His talk is about much more than that but the influence of faith on very different communities is a key point of reference.
scottish churches parliamentary office annual lecture
"From Xaba to Leith:
Communities in Scotland and South Africa and What Makes Them Tick"
Rev Joseph Naika
17 September 2008
at 7pm
in the Scottish Storytelling Centre
43-45 High St, Edinburgh, EH1 1SR
refreshments and conversation to follow
rsvp to rosemary@actsparl.org (0131 558 8137
Thanks for this Ewan which I will share with Edinburgh schools linked with South Africa.
Claire Soper
Thanks Claire, nice to hear from you
If you'd like to know how all the African links are shaping up (especially Kenya) please let me know -
Very much so. I will call you next week
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