Transport committee today, subbing for one of my colleagues. A wee success in getting a report on the cycle lane to the Edinburgh Royal infirmary which has lots of steps(!) after an excellent delegation by of of my constituents and a doctor from the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where my constituent works, and some folk from Spokes the cycling people! and on a potential new pedestrian crossing in the ward on Restalrig Rd Sth..
View Larger Map(I got the money for one agreed during our administration but it wasn't finally committed and the new administration voted it down so I am back to square one sadly, but I will not give up)
Labour also backed an emergency motion on the prams on buses debate but other than that, the incredible thing was the absolute lack of any sense of direction, strategy or coherent political philosophy from the SNP/Libdem administration who are still divided on green parking charges and trams. I could loose the will to live!
Where we are and where we will be
The idea of Edinburgh is a combination of place, soul and symbolic leadership of a nation
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
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Surgery Times
1st Wed @ Piershill Library, 30 Piershill Terrace.
2nd Wed @ Craigentinny Community Centre, Loaning Rd.
3rd Wed @ Duddingston Primary School, Duddingston Rd.
All 7:15pm -7:45pm
and the last Sat. Lochend YWCA, 198 Restalrig Road South
12noon -1pm
(no appointment needed, all during school terms)
2nd Wed @ Craigentinny Community Centre, Loaning Rd.
3rd Wed @ Duddingston Primary School, Duddingston Rd.
All 7:15pm -7:45pm
and the last Sat. Lochend YWCA, 198 Restalrig Road South
12noon -1pm
(no appointment needed, all during school terms)
Printed and Published by Ewan Aitken on behalf of the Edinburgh Labour Party, 78 Buccleuch Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9NH
"I could loose the will to live!"
Is there a timescale on that?
I see your patter has not improved over the years....
and probably never will.
on that we agree.
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